BC ATUS is a travel mapping and usage collection research tool designed for the British Columbia Activity Time Use Survey to better understand the travel behaviour of Metro Vancouver and Okanagan Residents. The app will continuously monitor the app usage activity, capture trips and make predictions about the method of transport throughout the surveying period.As part of the survey, participants are required to review the trip suggestions to make comment about the exact type of transportation they used, as well as the purpose of each travel. Every data collected by the app daily is send securely to UBCs self-hosted server, and never leaves the device until the scheduled collection time. Each participant can choose to opt-out during the survey period, and the associated data will be removed.To be able to capture all trips from the participant, the app uses location services to gather geolocation data in the background. In order to conserve battery while the user is stationary, the survey app will use accelerometer and sensor fusion to detect when they start to move, then activating location services.